Continuing his attack on the Narendra Modi government over the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on Monday said the implementation of the move shows its bankruptcy of ideas."Believe me this country is going to face real challenging circumstances in the days to come," Sangma told media persons here.Stating that demonetisation will open up bigger scope for corruption, the senior leader said that there are two ways of implementing a decision - expeditiously and hurriedly."When it is done expeditiously the implementation is done in a proper manner but if done hurriedly, it is done without proper homework," he said.Moreover, he said that not a single death attributed to demonetisation has been condoled.Noting every action taken for welfare of the citizens is a welcome step, he added that if its resolution becomes chaotic, then such decisions are "painful and unacceptable".