Samajwadi Party Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav on Thursday termed the Narendra Modi government's decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes as "anarchist" and called upon the government to keep it in abeyance for at least a week."The government has spread anarchy in the entire country. Common man is not even able to buy daily products," Mulayam Singh told reporters here."The government should keep the decision in abeyance for a few days, at least for a week so that people can arrange something for their daily needs," the SP supremo said.Terming the government decision as "anti-poor", the SP Chief also said that the government announced its decision in hurry.
The Samajwadi Party leader's remarks came two days after the government, in an effort to fight black money, declared on Tuesday night that notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomination were no longer legal tender."People are facing problem because of this announcement. Marriages may have stopped due to the decision," the SP leader said.He alleged that the decision was politically motivated. "BJP has taken this decision because of (upcoming assembly) elections." Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab are to go to the polls early next year to elect new states assemblies.Meanwhile, the Chief also said that the Samajwadi Party is with the government in its decision to curb black money.