Former President of the JNU Students Union Kanhaiya Kumar on Monday said he has no personal animosity with Prime Minister Narendra Modi."I have no personal animosity with Modi-ji, but there are ideological differences," said Kanhaiya Kumar here addressing the Ajaadi Samavesh on the completion of 80 years of the All India Student Federation (AISF).He also criticised Modi for not fulfilling the promises made to the people."The country is not made up of only 31 per cent of the electorates which voted for the BJP-led NDA Government at the centre. This is democracy and one should not forget that the rest 69 per cent did not share your ideology," said the students' leader."They had assured of two crore jobs. How many they have given till now? When inflation will come down and why there have been no concrete plans to eradicate illiteracy," said Kanhaiya Kumar.He alleged that the country has gone back to the pre-independence years and the people are threatened to keep mum on several issues."Questioning is our democratic right and opposing government doesn't mean we are against the country," said Kanhaiya. He also mocked the Modi by saying country's fate cannot be changed only with tweeting.The visit of Kanhaiya Kumar to the Odisha capital was opposed by the members of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (AVBP). The protest turned violent when a clash broke out between ABVP and AISF activists soon after Kanhaiya finished his speech at the event.More than 40 activists were arrested, said police.