Dal Khalsa has termed the arbitrary arrest of noted human rights defender and JKCCS coordinator Khurram Pervez as a sheer sign of frustration among the authorities in New Delhi and Srinagar.In a statement issued to KNS, condemned the arrest of Khurram by state police without any charges, party's secretary for Human Rights Prithpal Singh said the silencing of voice that speaks for human rights of oppressed people was a heinous crime. He said Khurram was a voice of voiceless and suppressing or intimidating his voice nullifies the very notion of India being a practicing democracy.Prithpal Singh the resident of Basel (Switzerland) in his statement mailed to the media via party headquarters in Amritsar, said the malicious intention of the Indian state and its agencies was evident when it barred the human rights activist from travelling to Geneva to attend the UN proceedings and apprise the world about the concerns and pain of aggrieved Kashmiri people.
He slammed the Indian government for showing arrogant behaviour by refusing the UN officials an unconditional access to visit Kashmir to probe the allegations of use of excessive force by its armed security forces against the unarmed civilians in the valley since July 8.He appealed to Zeid Raad Hussein, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights in Geneva to move beyond lip service as human rights situation in the Indian controlled Kashmir has worsened. He urged the International body to exert its clout and pressurize Narendra Modi government to allow UN officials to visit Kashmir as it did in the case of Sri Lanka. "Deaths and destruction has become order of the day in Kashmir. The regime led by Modi and Mehbooba was hell bent in suppressing all saner voices and dissent with brute force", said he. (KNS)