An orientation program was organized at Quest Group of Institutions for freshers . The orientation program was designed to support new students as they begin their new journey. In this event students were introduced about life at college, from academics to extracurricular activities. This program was conducted for all the engineering and management students who have just entered the college life. The main focus was given on making the students feel comfortable in the new environment and making them aware about the new challenges.In welcome speech by Vice Chairman, Quest Group, HPS Kanda all the rules and regulations were highlighted .He enlightened the students by giving various inspiring examples. New students also got a chance to express their views and experience in the new environment.
Senior Batch students welcomed the new comers and conveyed their messages to them. They shared their experiences and the wonderful environment through cultural activities they presented on the stage. Students from overseas also came up to share their feelings and they said that loved the hospitality and family like environment given to them here at this institute.Chairman Quest Group D S Sekhon welcomed new students and ensured them to receive quality education and emphasis will be laid on practical learning.Students were made aware about code of conduct and various examples were given to inspire them to be the building blocks of this nation.