Appreciating the ‘ way out’ suggested by former union minister and ex state Congress chief , Prof. Saif-u-Din Soz regarding the resolution of Kashmir issue, Shafiq Mir chairman All J&K Panchayat Conference has asked all the regional mainstream political parties like NC, PDP, CPI M and others to raise the Kashmir resolution formula suggested by Prof. Saif-u Din Soz in which he has said that 1952 political position of the state be restored . Mir said, this is the practical formula which satisfies the ego of all the parties associated with the Kashmir issue .Shafiq Mir urged all the mainstream political parties particularly, regional National Conference and PDP to come out with a clear stand burying your hollow slogans of autonomy and self rule and to support the Soz formula in one voice .He said all the delegations who will meet the visiting ‘ All Party Delegation’ at Srinagar should raise this formula in one voice so that the Indian leadership gets a clear way out that how to resolve this issue .
“ The main problem in the resolution of Kashmir issue has always been that whenever government of India wanted to talk over the issue we gave them different and disturbing formulas due to which the interlocutors could never made their mind what to recommend”, said Mir adding that the time has come when all the people whosoever wants to meet this All Parties Delegation headed by home minister of India should speak in one voice and present a one formula . The main responsibility lies on PDP, NC and other local parties. They must burry their own political slogans and should follow the formula of Prof Soz .Mir has also suggested to the separatist leaders and all those who are associated with the Kashmir movement that they should also understand the ground realities and keep in mind all the stake holders of the state debate Soz formula with cool mind. (CNS)