Claiming to be the world's first app of audio stories on Sikhism, the "Saakhi - Sikh History & Gurmat" App was launched here on Thursday."Saakhi means 'a story' and is a unique mobile application (app) of audio stories based on Sikhism. The app is one of a kind as it's the world's first audio stories-based app on Sikhism. So far, the apps related to Sikhism were in written text form," Gurpreet Singh, the creator of the app, told the media here.Singh, 40, who works in the Gulf as a business manager in a leading FMCG food company, said that he has developed the app."The work involved painstakingly getting the audio recordings of stories related to Sikhism done.
The app serves as an audio story book of Sikhism," Singh said.He said the application aims at spreading awareness about Sikhism and its tenets through audio stories on Sikh Gurus, great Sikhs, Gurbani Paath, along with answers to the questions on Sikhism."I feel it is an innovative way to get connected to Sikh roots and Khalsa traditions, which is the need of the hour especially for the younger generation, which is gradually getting detached from Gurmat," he pointed out.All stories in the app are of 4-6 minutes duration and are based on the life history of the 10 Sikh Gurus and great Sikh warriors.