In order to bring out the talents and uniqueness in students Talent Hunt competition was held at Millennium School phase-5. There was a complete ambience of joy .Students were actively engaged in exhibiting their talent. Every student was given ample opportunities to participate and show their talent. Students come up with varied talent abilities and interest buried deep within them. Students competed in a number of competitions like narrating stories, dance on different songs, Folk dance. The main reason behind organizing these competitions is to nurture the intrinsic qualities of students and remove the fear of stage among students, which helps in personality development too.
While encouraging the students Director Millennium School Gurinder Singh said that such competitions generally aim at bringing forth the hidden talent of the students and assisting them to recognize their caliber. According to him knowledge and Information are not the Commodities and therefore not privilege of a few. Students may acquire them immeasurably with their leaning abilities and guidance of your teachers. The biggest challenge is how students can manage and apply them creatively and such competitions improve qualities of students to excel in life.