The Millennium School phase -5 Mohali organised a workshop on how to remain safe against the dangers of extreme heat. Sweltering summer days are just oppressive and uncomfortable for young kids so they were informed to drink water and fruit juice regularly .They were also advised while outdoors, They can take shelter under a parasol or wear a wide-brimmed, well-ventilated hat and Limit out door physical activity in the middle of the day, when it is the hottest. They were informed that diseases spread due to lack of cleanliness, especially during the rainy season and monsoon. They informed that it is high time to take care about hygiene because in rainy season bacteria spread very fast.
Students were further informed that if they have pets it may also suffer from the heat and pets should not be left in the sun besides they should be given plenty of water to keep them hydrated. They were also motivated to plant saplings in their house and periphery and care them.While speaking on this occasion Principal of the School Parminder Duggal said that most of us welcome hot weather, but when it's too hot and too long there are health risks. She further advised them to make sure that hot weather doesn't harm them. According to her poor hygienic conditions lead to health and environmental disasters so urged students to pay special attention for cleanliness in rainy season to protect themselves from bacteria.