Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement today organized a function in Srinagar and hosted family members of martyrs, victims of Indian oppression, political detainees and those whose nears and dears were disappeared in custody in past decades.Hundreds of people including the parents, children and wives of martyrs, political detainees and disappeared Kashmiris attended the function hosted by Salvation Movement in Srinagar. Chairman Zaffer Akbar Bhat presided over the function which started with the recitation of holy Quran VOV Executive Director,Abdul Qadeer Dar, VOV coordinator Ab Rouf Khan Sr. Salvation Movement Leaders including Zulfikar Hameed , Molvi Rafiq,Mehraj u din ,secy Women’s Wing Rukaya Baji and leaders and activist were present in the function.
Rich tributes were paid to martyrs of Kashmir who laid down their lives for the noble cause-freedom of Kashmir. Those Kashmiris lashing in Kashmir and outside Kashmir jails were remembered and their sacrifices were appreciated in the function. People mostly youngsters disappeared by the forces in custody during past decades were also remembered in the function organized by Salvation Movement.Sufferers of India’s military oppression and suppression, Kiths and kens of martyrs who attended the function including salvation Movement leaders and activists together decided to continue the liberation struggle despite odds. In the function, Eid gifts and essentials eatable were distributed among the family members of martyrs and were assured possible help by the party Chairman.
Zaffer Akbar Bhat on the occasion expressed immense pleasure for hosting the family members of martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives and nourished the ongoing freedom struggle with their blood.In his presidential address, Zaffer Akbar Bhat paid rich tributes to martyrs and said that the sacrifices rendered by them can’t neither be underestimated nor ignored.“Martyrs sacrificed their lives for Islam and freedom of Kashmir. Nobody will be allowed to waste and exploit their sacrifices for petty interests,” he said, adding sacrifices rendered by the martyrs internationalized the issue. He said that Kashmirs nation must not lose heart due to ups and downs which they are witnessing in the ongoing freedom struggle as its established fact that Indian can’t keep Kashmir in its illegal control for long. Special prayers were held for martyrs, disappeared persons.
Zaffer Akbar Bhat also condemned the arrests of innocent youth in Islamabad, Kulgam and Srinagar and demanded their unconditional release before Eid.A delegation from Tujar Sharief Zainageer informed chairman that security forces have detained over 50 innocent youths of the area and even family members are not being allowed to meet the detainees. He said that such brute and oppressive tact’s will not yield any positive results and by such action security forces prefer status quo.Special prayers were also held for the early release of detainees and freedom of Kashmir.Meanwhile a delegation including Molvi Rafiq, Javeed Ahmad, Dawood Ahmad Mohammad Saleem and Irfan Ahamd attend the funeral of Slain Yoths and paid glowing tributes to them. (KNS)