The Medicity Gurgaon, New Delhi in collaboration with Jammu and Kashmir Press Association today conducted a free medical camp at Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial (JLNM) Hospital, Rainawari.Divisional Commissioner, Dr. Asgar Samoon inaugurated the camp. Medical Superintendent JLNM, Deputy Medical Superintendent, besides, officers of Health Department and President J&K Press Association, Ghulam Hassan Kaloo were present on the occasion.On the occasion, the Div Com inspected various wards and interacted with patients and inquired about healthcare facilities being provided to them. The patients demanded latest x-ray machines, CT Scan besides oxygen facilities in the hospital. He assured that their genuine demands would be taken up with concerned authorities and will be addressed soon. He also directed the hospital administration for ensuring better hygienic conditions in and around the hospital.Medical Superintendent of the hospital informed the Divisional Commissioner that new diagnostic and other allied equipments are required in the hospital for better diagnostics and medicare.During the camp, the consultants examined and treated many patients having the ailments of heart, lung cancer, neurological and G.I. problems. The patients examined were registered in advance for the treatment.