Kiran Choudhry, Leader of the Congress Legislature Party, has railed at the chest-thumping and drum-beating BJP celebrating two years of the Narendra Modi Government without caring to implement even a single out of the more than 150 promises on the strength of which it hoodwinked the people and won the Lok Sabha polls in 2014.In a statement issued here today, the former excise and taxation minister said, “If the BJP is sincere and loyal to the people, it should, in fact, be mourning over the two years it lost in honouring any of the promises made in the run-up to the polls.”On top of it, the new government, instead of pursuing the positive politics of inclusiveness, has bred negative politics of confrontation. Every section of society, be it farmers, working class, business or industry, is feeling fed up with the BJP Government which has failed on all fronts. They are longing for the oft-promised Achhe Din, she said.Mrs Choudhry referred to a recent survey done by the Centre for Media Studies on the eve of two years in office of the Modi government which pointed out that almost half of the respondents (49 %) felt "no change" in their living standards while another 15 per cent felt that the situation had, in fact, worsened. A significant percentage (43 %) felt that poor people were not benefitting from the programmes and schemes launched by the Modi Government.“If the BJP and Modi Government do a self-appraisal which they won’t, they will discover that they have not only let down the people of the country badly but also left the social fabric asunder. There is nothing to celebrate about and, in fact, it is time for them to do some soul-searching and introspection”, she added.