Giving a major uplift to the Cancer treatment facilities in the state, the Advanced Cancer Diagnostic Treatment & Research Center, Bathinda has started the surgical services in the hospital for cancer patients. This was stated here today by Punjab’s Health & Family Welfare Minister, Sh Surjit K. Jyani. He told that Cancer Hospital at Bathinda was earlier providing OPD services and some other basic services for treatment of the cancer patients. He stated that the Hospital has now been successful in operationalizing and making fully functional, 1 Operation Theatre and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a short span of time. In addition to this, Pathology Department of the hospital is providing Hematology, Histopathology, Cytopathology services, Imaging studies by Radiology department with facilities like Ultrasonography, CT and MRI. Radiation therapy department of the hospital was already operational and providing services of tele-cobalt therapy and brachy-therapy, whereas the dental & oral health sciences are also functional.
Health Minister informed that the hospital has last week conducted first cancer treatment surgery on a female patient that remained successful as the patient is recovering fast. Giving detail of the case Dr M.K Mahajan of ACDTRC Bathinda disclosed that the patient was diagnosed with Locally Advanced Rt Breast Carcinoma. The patient underwent Modified Radical Mastectomy with Lymph node dissection under General Anaesthesia successfully. The patient is doing well in the ICU for postoperative observation. Health Minister said that more services are being augmented to further strengthen the Cancer treatment facilities in ACDTRC, Bathinda. He reiterated Punjab Government's commitment for providing better prevention and treatment facilities for cancer patients in the state.
A relief of Rs. 1.5 Lakh is given to the cancer patients under the Chief Minister Punjab Cancer Relief Fund. 95 types of drugs for treatment of cancer are provided on subsidized rates. Punjab Govt has with the help of Tata Memorial Research Center Mumbai established Homi Bhaba Cancer Hospital, Treatment and Research Center at Sangrur, where various facilities of treatment of cancer are already operational. Tertiary Care Cancer Hospitals are being established at Fazilka and Hoshiarpur. The cancer treatment facilities in the three Medical Colleges of the State have also been strengthened with modern equipment and infrastructure.