BJP president Amit Shah, who took a holy dip in the Shipra river on Wednesday as part of programmes during the ongoing Simhasth Kumbh, said the country now has a government that promotes Indian traditions and culture.“The present union government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is for promoting our culture and traditions, for strengthening our values. On behalf of the prime minister, I greet all the sadhus and saints here,” Shah said. Along with a gathering of sadhus, Shah took a “holy dip” in the Shipra river at Valmiki Ghat as part of a programme.The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had earlier announced it as a “samaajik samrasta” (social harmony) event, in which Shah was to take the holy dip and then dine with Dalit saints. But the party changed the programme at the eleventh hour and made it a “sant samagam” (conglomeration of saints), after many saints opposed the move calling it “divisive”.All India Akhara Parishad president Narendra Giri said that he had opposed the BJP's earlier programme as he believes that saints have no caste.