The Minister of State for Home Affairs Shri Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary presented the FICCI Smart Policing Awards - 2016 here today. In his keynote address, he highlighted the need for technology upgradation to meet the security challenges and also to be sensitive to the citizens at the grass-root level. He also highlighted the concept of Smart Policing to meet the emerging challenges. The Minister appreciated the efforts of FICCI for instituting the awards that would encourage good practices in different States and scaling up of the recognized best practices.Shri Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary presented a total of 9 Smart Policing awards and 14 Special Jury Awards for the best practices evaluated by a Jury constituted for this purpose.Shri Harshavardhan Neotia, President FICCI and former Home Secretary Shri G.K. Pillai, Chairman, FICCI committee on Homeland Security were also present on the occasion.