Senior Vice President JKPCC and Former Minister Congress Sham lal Sharma showed serious concern over the non- regularization of daily wagers, Need Basis, ITI Trained.He said BJP-PDP govt has harassed them by turning a blind eye towards their urgent needs.He further said due to careless attitude of Government they have failed to pay attention to PHE, Irrigation and Flood control casual employees and ITI Trained as a result the common man is also facing hardship due to erratic water supply.Sharma said that the hot summer months are approaching and in case their grievances aren't redressed, the sufferings of the people will become bad to worst.Sham said that the government of the day (BJP PDP) should talk to their leaders for redressal of the grievances of these daily wagers.
The government should make commitments to resolve the issue by regularizing these 62000 affected workers either in one go or in phase manner."The ground of resolving the issue has already been carried out by the previous Congress-NC government in Cabinet Sub Committee and making same as criteria the present government can resolve the issue without any further delay’, he added.He said that BJP-PDP government is in power and it should not be that difficult for them to resolve the issue amicably as BJP is considering themselves the so-called champions of Jammuites but BJP has compromised with their ideology and have surrendered before PDP for all purposes, that is why the BJP is incompetent to redressed the grievances of Jammu people before the green signal of PDP.
Sham Lal Sharma also alleged that the ReT teachers in the State were harassed by the BJP- PDP Govt by its proposal of so called screening of ReT teachers who have been selected in past years purely on merit basis.In a statement to KNS, the PCC senior vice president castigated the BJP- PDP coalition for agonizing ReT teachers and asked not to disturb the education system in the State. He said the new policy of the BJP PDP Govt has shaken the whole education system and is about to have very bad impact on the career of students also.Sham said this vindictive attitude has raised insecurity amongst the Government employees of the State and have lost faith in the decision making of BJP PDP Govt which has shown the worst example of `good governance’. (KNS)