Senior Leader Hurriyat Conference leaders including Islamic Political Party Chairman Mohammad Yousuf Naqash and Chairman Tehreeke e Mazhmat Bilal Sidiqui visited Pushwara Islamabad to pay tributes to slain militant Mushtaq Ahmad Haroo and expressed solidarity with his family.As per the statement to CNS, the leaders in their address to the public expressed sadness and dismay over the continuous killing of young youth in Kashmir by occupational forces and urged India and Pakistan to sit down and settle the issue of Kashmir on priority basis adding that unresolved Kashmir is threat to peace and stability in South Asia and continuously harming the lives of Kashmiris.
The leaders added that India by deploying more than 7 lac troops has turned Kashmir into a virtual military garrison and prison and made it clear that Kashmir’s have given immense sacrifices for freedom from occupation and reaffirmed that Indian state is trying to muzzle the voices of freedom in Kashmir.The leaders stressed that immense sacrifices given by nation of Kashmir will not go in vain as Sun of freedom will rise soon and oppressed people of Kashmir are motivated to achieve freedom from occupation.The leaders’ expressed sadness over the ineffectiveness of global bodies with reference to pain and misery of Kashmir. (CNS)