National Secular Forum (NSF), University Unit organized a programmed in Campus, and on the Martyrdom of Ashfaqulla Khan and Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil, who laid their life for the country.Amid slogans “Ashfaqulla Khan and Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil” ‘’Zindabad” ‘’inqulaab Zindabad’’ ‘Bharat Mata ki jai” and they paid tributes to Ashfaqulla and Bismiland garlanded the portraits of the son of soil.Sh.Ankush Abrol Sr.NC and member working Committee JKCA Was the chief guest while Dr.Vikas Sharma, Presided over the function, Sukhdev Singh President NSF was guest of honour.Speaking on the occasion Sh.Ankush Abrol appreciated the initiative taken by the NSF member to remember the martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the country.
He also stressed upon the youth to shun their self centered outlook and contribute in the development of the nation. He also said Ashfaqulla that was an Indian freedom fighter, considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement.
Speaking on the occasion Dr.Vikas Sharma said that Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil, an active member of Arya Samaj Saharanpur was eager to explain the greatness of the Hindu religion to those belonging to other religions, although he never bore in mind any prejudice against any religious community. This was the only reason behind it that won the heart of Ashfaq and he became a confident friend of Bismil. Although Ashfaq was a devout Muslim yet both of them had the common objective of a free and united India. They sacrificed their lives on the same day of 19 December 1927 as martyrs for India, but in different jails of Faizabad and Gorakhpur.
Sukhdev Singh recalled the planning capability, boldness and feeling of nationalism in martyrs and stressed upon the youth to follow his ideas.Qayoom Malik University President NSF also addressing on this occasion and light on the life of Ashfaq ullah Khan was born on 22 October 1900 in Shahjahanpur a historical city of Uttar Pradesh. Ashfaq ullah was the youngest amongst all his four brothers. His elder brother Riyasat Ullah Khan was a class mate of Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil. Since then Ashfaq was very keen to meet Bismil, because of his poetic attitude.Barket Tahir Vice-President NSF addressing on this occasion said that 26 September 1925, Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil and others from Saharanpur were arrested by the police but Ashfaq was the only one untraced by the police. Ashfaq went into hiding and moved to Banaras; from there he went to Bihar where he worked in an engineering company for about ten months. In Delhi, he took the help of one of his Pathan friend who in turn betrayed him by informing the police who arrested Ashfaq. The whole programmed was coordinated Ajaz Shah, Mustaq and Bhupinder Singh.