Nirbhaya Fund will be utilised soon, says home minister
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5 Dariya News
New Delhi(IANS) , 16 Dec 2013
Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said Monday that the Nirbhaya Fund for ensuring safety of women, set up in memory of the young woman brutally gang-raped in the national capital Dec 16 last year, would soon be utilised."The Nirbhaya Fund that was set up for women's safety will be utilised soon," Sushilkumar Shinde said, while speaking with reporters outside parliament.Asked about legal measures to ensure the safety of women, Shinde said: "Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code and the Indian Penal Code had to be done, and the work has started in that context. The work will happen more properly now."The 23-year-old physiotherapy intern who was gang-raped in a moving bus Dec 16 was named "Nirbhaya" or fearless one by the media. The law in India does not allow a victim of rape to be referred to by name.