5 Dariya News

Pilgrimage for Pakistan

5 Dariya News

Shimla 13-Aug-2015

A spokesman of the State Government said here today that a Jatha of 500 Sikhs/Sehejdhari pilgrims were going to Pakistan on the occasion of Birthday of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and they would be visiting various historic Gurudawaras situated there. He said that the Government of India had intimated that the 10 days visit was starting from 23rd November to 2nd December, 2015. The quota allotted to Himachal Pradesh is for 15 pilgrims. The last date for receiving the applications by the Government is 10th September, 2015.

All intending Sikh Pilgrims are requested to submit their applications on plain paper with complete name, address, contact numbers including mobile numbers  and attaching attested copies of the Passport and bonafide certificates, which should be delivered to Smt. Geeta Sharma, Section Officer (Home-C) in Room No. 104, Yojna Bhawan,  Armsdale Building, H.P. Secretariat, Shimla-2.  In case of enquiry or clarification, interested persons can contact on office telephone No. 0177--2880527 or mobile number 9418381622.