Blood Donation Camp organized at Shahbad
5 Dariya News
Shahabad 09-Aug-2015
The Sant Nirankari Mission Branch Shahabad(M) organized blood donation camp under the auspices of the Sant Nirankari Charitable Foundation. In this blood Donation Camp 245 units of blood was donated and 277 members registered themselves for blood donation. The followers of Sant Nirankari Mission also participated in eye donation and body donation registration camp.The blood donation camp was inaugurated by Sh. Anil Dhantori, Ex MLA Shahabad. Rev. Surinder Pal Singh, Sanyojak Shahabad (M), Rev. Gurdyal Singh Sandhu, Khetriya Sanchalak preside over along with Sh. Randheer Rana, Sh. Lakhwinder Padlu and Sh. Rajinder Saini, secretary Red Cross Society Kurukshetra.
As per the Blessing of H.H. Baba Ji the devotees are always eager to serve humanity because they realise that real living means living for others. They treat the entire mankind as their own and go on making their contribution towards the welfare of all through blood donation and other activities like cleanliness drive, tree plantation, etc. And such activities are not confined to India; devotees of the Mission in other parts of the world are also equally enthusiastic.
Baba Ji always say that while blood circulation is important for body, the circulation of blood from one body to another through blood donation is important for mankind.The blood collecting teams came from Pt. B.D.S P.G.I.M.S. Rohtak, LNJP Hospital Kurukshetra and Indian Red Cross Society. The Eye donation and Body donation camp was organized by Shahabad Vikas Manch. Special care was taken about cleanliness as also the pre-donation tests and post donation care. Snacks and lunch for donors and the organizers were arranged by the Sant Nirankari Mandal, Branch Shahabad (M).