Peerzada for providing better basic amenities
Reviews winter preparedness and stock position at Kokernag
5 Dariya News (Anubhav Suri)
Ananatnag 09-Nov-2013
Government is committed for providing basic necessities like power, water and road connectivity to public besides development of far-flung and backward areas for which steps are being taken so that the benefits of development percolate to the needy.This was stated by the Minister for Public Enterprises, Hajj Auqaf and Floriculture, Peerzada Mohammad Sayeed today at Kokernag while taking review of winter preparedness and developmental works of Breng Constituency.The Minister said that two Degree Colleges and one INGOU Study Centre, besides various educational and health institutions have been established including one sub-district hospital and nine health centers, 28 first aid centers cum dispensaries equipped with modern facilities.
It was given out in the review meeting that a project of 22 crores has been approved by GOI for establishing all season Tulip Garden at Sayan Sagam besides making available the budget for development of Dandipora Park. It was also given out in the meeting that works constructing on 18 educational institutions under SSA and RMSA is in progress.The Minister revealed that 20 new road projects under different schemes have been sanctioned for Breng Constituency. He directed concerned agencies for starting the tendering and execution of these projects at an earliest. It was further given out in the meeting that 120 additional Anganwadi Centres have been sanctioned for the constituency the engagement of staff for which is underway.Under Rural Development Sector it was given out that 10 crore rupees have been allocated under MGNREGA under which an estimates of 813 works have been finalized out of which work on 389 estimates is underway. The work on 19 Panchayat Ghars has been taken-up while land acquisition process for remaining 13 is underway. The work on 13 school building under RMSA was also reviewed.
Under PHE sector it was given out that chastens water supply schemes has been completed while augmentation and upgradation work is under process.It was informed that 19 CA&PD sale outlets have been identified for dumping of food grains for 3 months in the constituency besides identified godowns besides 79000 liters of Kerosene’s have been distributed during last month while 80000 liters are available for consumers.PDD Engineers were directed to repair the transmission lines and electric poles where ever necessary besides intensifying the measures for Prevention of power theft thereby ensuring uninterrupted power supply during winter.Minister directed the revenue officials to speed up the land acquisition process for the upcoming developmental projects including Tehsil Complex and Degree College.
With regard to development of tourism infrastructure the minister said that 26 rooms budgeted accommodation constructed at a cost of Rs. 385.73 lakhs and Tourist reception center constructed at a cost of Rs. 109.60 lakhs has been recently inaugurated.