Human stature is dignified with Humanity
5 Dariya News
Chandigarh 10-Mar-2015
Mohinder Singh Ji, Sanyojak, Chandigarh Branch told at Sant Nirankari Satsang Bhawan, Sector 30-A, that Two days Samagam of Utrakhand organized by Sant Nirankari Mandal concluded today at Pantdeep Ground in Haridwar. In this numerous devotees & Sewadal Members participated from Chandigarh Branch.Sh Singh further elaborated that Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh ji during his two days spiritual address at Samagam of Utrakhand said that Uniting with God means uniting with human beings. When we realize God, we also come to know that soul which resides in each human body is the particle of God and hence there is no difference between one human being and another. The entire mankind is one family of the one Supreme Father.The Samagam is being attended by thousands of devotees of the Mission from all over the State and several other parts of the country.His Holiness said that no doubt everybody says that mercy is the root or the base of religion, but this is not reflected from their life. Religion is creating distance between man and man and encouraging the negative tendencies of hatred, jealousy and violence. They live in the darkness of ignorance as if the sun of truth and humanity has not risen for them at all. They are so degraded in their thinking that it is damaging their life even at home.
Baba Ji said that saints and sages have always tried to unite man with Truth. This illuminates our mind and we understand that all humans are made from the same five basic elements. We should, therefore, treat every human being as our own. No diversities of caste, religion, language or region should alienate us from one another.His Holiness said that today the devotees of the Mission are spreading the message of Truth wherever they live. They serve humanity as their own. He mentioned that he met some Members of Parliament in Australia last month and found that they were also impressed by the Mission’s message of harmony in oneness and also our service to society. They also appreciated the way we are motivating our youth towards selfless service. Elsewhere, they are misguided in the name of religion and many other considerations.
Addressing the devotees, Baba Ji said, you are sitting on the bank of the Ganges, so here you are flowing the Ganges of love. You are surrounded by hills, so you want man to raise his status and touch heights. You are living in the land of gods, so you want every human being to become godly. You celebrated Holi, so you are trying to remain hued in the colour of Divine Name and provide the same colour to others.As the congregation was going on, there was a dust storm followed by rain. Devotees, however, felt disturbed for a while but settled again. Baba Ji said just like the coolness provided by rain outside, you are experiencing the coolness provided by the realization of God within.Sewa Dal Rally
Today, Samagam began with a colourful Sewa Dal Rally. Thousands of men and women in uniform presented some P.T. items, games, physical forms and skits to highlight selfless service as means to express our devotion to God. They rededicated themselves to service of humanity and sought the divine blessings of His Holiness so that they continue to participate in Sewa with full sense of devotion, discipline and cooperation.While standing in an open vehicle, Baba Ji and Pujya Mata Sawinder Ji inspected the Rally and blessed the participants. His Holiness also unfirled the white flag, a symbol of love, faith and peace.Addressing the Rally where thousands of other devotees were also present, Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj said, that service here is not performed with the spirit of help. Everybody is treated as our own. He appreciated the Sewa Dal volunteers for their devotion, dedication and discipline. He said children participated in cultural items even though they have to prepare for their examination. Due to rainy weather, Baba Ji declared the Samagam concluded. He, however, said that the message of Truth, love, peace and oneness has already gone to one and all. He called upon devotees to continue to spread this Divine Light to every nook and corner of the world so that wherever there is darkness of ignorance, it gets removed.