Chief Minister inaugurates Arts Block of Chaura Maidan College
5 Dariya News
Shimla 21-Sep-2013
Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh today inaugurated Arts Block of Rajiv Gandhi Degree College Chaura Maidan constructed at a cost of Rs. 3 crore, the new Science Lab Block and Examination Hall of Government Senior Secondary School, Phagli constructed at a cost of Rs. 1.36 crore and new Science Lab Block of GSSS Lalpani constructed at a cost of Rs. 95.5 lakh in Shimla. Speaking during a function at Rajiv Gandhi Degree College Chaura Maidan, the Chief Minister said education was one of the top priority sectors of the government. He said that semester system had been introduced in the Colleges of the State from this academic year which aimed at bringing qualitative improvement in higher education.
Chief Minister said that the Rastriya Uchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) was being initiated in a phased manner by changing to semester system and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in first year of under graduate courses. The enrolment had gone up to 73.738 this year which was 68,248 during last year. He said that semester system had also been introduced in most of the colleges with a view to manage the studies in a better way. He called upon the students to devote their maximum time towards their studies. Shri Virbhadra Singh said that apart from studies, students should imbibe good values of discipline and equality. He said that preamble of Indian Constitution should be displayed not only in office of the Principals but also in every class room of the colleges so that students could know about the very essence of Indian Constitution. He said that students who got opportunity for higher education were fortunate enough and they should make maximum use of it as many students could not pursue higher education due to various reasons.
Chief Minister said that students should refrain from politics and devote themselves towards studies as politics was not their main avocation adding that their goal should be to secure future. He said that Government had opened colleges in remote and far-flung areas to provide facility of higher education to the students living in villages. Shri Virbhadra Singh said that Government Degree College Sanjauli in Shimla was made College of Excellence during his previous tenure. He stressed the need to open one college of excellence in each district to facilitate the meritorious students. He said that more colleges and schools would be opened as per requirement as government was committed to provide quality education to all nearer to their home.
Earlier, speaking at GSSS Lalpani, Chief Minister said that this school was the oldest Government School of Shimla town, which had produced many talents. The foundation stone of Art Block of this school was laid by him in 2007 and the renovation & restoration of old building was also done. He said that this school would be made a Modal School and the playground would be extended and a multipurpose hall would also be constructed beneath it. He said that a hostel would be constructed for the Scheduled Caste and Tribes students of the school. He also announced Rs. 20,000 for the culture programme presented on the occasion. Chief Minister also inaugurated the newly constructed block of Science Lab and Examination Hall of GSSS Phagli. On the occasion, he said that State had made rapid progress in education and the State literacy rate had gone up to 83.78 per cent as per 2011 census. He said that Commerce Classes would be started from next academic year in this school. He also directed the Public Works Department to cover the school boundary with barbed wire.
He announced Rs. 20,000 to the school students for presenting the colourful culture programme on the occasion.
Chief Parliamentary Secretary (Education), Shri Neeraj Bharti said that State had excelled in education and government was striving to improve the infrastructural facilities in educational institutions. He said that Science, Mathematics and Vocational subjects were being started in the schools and colleges.
Deputy Mayor Shri Tikender Panwar, former Deputy Mayor & Member Executive Council HP University Shri Harish Janartha, Director Higher Education Shri Dinkar Burathoki, Vice-Chairman APMC Shimla & Kinnaur Shri Mahender Stan, Advisor Marketing Board Shri Ajay Shyam, Deputy Commissioner Shri Dinesh Malhotra, SP Shri Abhishek Dular, Chief Engineer PWD Shri D.K. Gupta, Principal Rajiv Gandhi Degree College Dr. Uma Randev, Principal GSSS Lalpani Shri Sanjay Mehta, Principal GSSS Phagli Dr. Veena Sharma, senior officers and prominent persons were present on the occasion.