Prabh Aasra Celebrated 68th Independence Day and appealing rehabilitation for differently-able citizens
5 Dariya News
Kurali 14-Aug-2014
Prabh Aasra salutes all the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the independence of our great nation. We wish to send our greetings to all the patriotic citizens on the occasion of this 68th Independence day celebrations commemorating their sacrifices and millions of citizens and soldiers who have committed lives in the service of the nation. In spite of all the odds facing the nation we have moved forward in our path towards progress and development with confidence in our great leaders and the sincere efforts of our citizens. We understand that this long stride towards the well being of our country is not without setbacks and lack of progress to certain sections of our society.
As an organization devoted to alleviate the plight of uncared, un attended people of all ages and from all sections of our society, we are witness to the pathetic condition of destitutes neglected by our society. We would like to bring to the attention of our fellow citizens, journalists, and the leaders of the nation that we don't have any adequate policy or plan of implementation to take care of these ailing people who are left to rot and spend the rest of their lives as living dead.
We sincerely hope that our nation and citizen will take cognizance of the sufferings of a inevitable section of our society and address their well being immediately in the coming years. We humbly request our government to formulate a policy which can help such people in this scenario and device concrete schemes in the budget that would take the unattended, uncared destitutes into its fold and offer them due attention and care for their rehabilitation.