5 Dariya News

Rayat Bahra Dental College Hosts Heart Health & Stress Management Awareness Program

5 Dariya News

Mohali 21-Feb-2025

Rayat Bahra Dental College & Hospital  in collaboration with Rayat Bahra College of Nursing organised a programme on Heart Health Awareness and Stress Management to educate participants on heart health risks and stress management particularly in winter months.

The event featured expert-led discussions, interactive sessions, and wellness activities to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle. The event commenced with the ceremonial traditional lamp lighting by Dr. Deepak Puri, Senior Director CVTS, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Anita, Yoga Instructor, Dr. Akshay Kumar Sharma, Principal, Dr. Neena Mehta, Dean Academics (RBDCH), and Dr Mandeep Kumar, Vice-Principal, marking the official inauguration of the event.

Renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Deepak Puri delivered an insightful keynote lecture, addressing the growing prevalence of heart diseases, particularly among young individuals. His session focused on heart health risks, especially during colder months and preventive measures for reducing the risk of heart attacks.

Dr. Deepak Puri emphasized lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and effective stress management techniques to mitigate heart disease risks. To reinforce the importance of physical activity in stress and heart health management, a yoga session was conducted by Anita (a wellness expert from Vietnam). 

The session focused on relaxation and mindfulness techniques. This was followed by a high-energy Zumba workout, highlighting the positive effects of movement on cardiovascular fitness. 

In recognition of their valuable contributions, Dr. Deepak Puri and Ms. Anita were honoured with mementos and certificates of appreciation, presented by Dr. Akshay Kumar Sharma, Dr. Neena Mehta, Dr. Mandeep Kumar and Dr Deepika R. Kumar (Director Principal, (RBCN).