5 Dariya News

CU Punjab Vice-Chancellor Launches Calendar for Year 2025 on the Occasion of Makar Sankranti

5 Dariya News

Bathinda 15-Jan-2025

Central University of Punjab celebrated the festivities of Lohri and Makar Sankranti with the launch of the Calendar for the Year 2025, themed on “Founders of Social Harmony in Bharat Whose Bani Features in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.” Prof. Raghavendra P. Tiwari, the Vice-Chancellor, unveiled the Calendar for Year 2025 in the presence of university officials, faculty, and staff members during a special programme organized on the occasion of Lohri and Makar Sankranti celebrations.

During the launch event, Prof. Tiwari highlighted that the inclusiveness reflected in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a foundational principle showcasing the universality of its teachings. Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Sikh Guru and compiler of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, included not only the hymns of the Sikh Gurus but also those of 15 Bhagats from diverse backgrounds, castes, and regions of India. This visionary approach continues to inspire social harmony.

CU Punjab's 2025 Calendar features these 15 Bhagats – Bhagat Kabir, Bhagat Namdev, Bhagat Ravidas, Baba Farid, Bhagat Sadhna, Bhagat Jaidev, Bhagat Trilochan, Bhagat Ramanand, Bhagat Sain, Bhagat Dhanna, Bhagat Pipa, Bhagat Surdas, Bhagat Bhikhan, Bhagat Parmanand, and Bhagat Beni. Prof. Tiwari emphasized that the calendar seeks to sensitize younger generations to draw inspiration from the philosophy of Guru Sahibaans and Bani of Saints, encouraging them to work together for the creation of an inclusive society.

On this occasion, Prof. R.K. Wusirika, Dean Incharge Academics, Prof. Anjana Munshi, Director R&D, Prof. Monisha Dhiman, Director IQAC, Dr. Vijay Sharma, Registrar, Dr. R.K. Sharma, Finance Officer, Dr. B.P. Garg, Controller of Examinations, Prof. Raj Kumar, Prof. Bawa Singh, Prof. Ramanpreet Kaur, Dr. Vipan Pal, Dr. Sarabjit Singh, and members of the committee responsible for preparing the 2025 Calendar were present.