5 Dariya News

UIIC AO Exam Analysis 2024: December 21 Review, Difficulty Levels, Schedule Details & Admit Card Release

5 Dariya News


Thousands of applicants submitted applications for Administrative Officer posts in the UIIC AO (United India Insurance Company Limited) Exam 2024, which concluded successfully on December 21, 2024. This page offers a detailed analysis of the test, including topics such as difficulty level, successful attempts, timetable information, and applicant recommendations.

Read more: SSC GD Final Merit List 2024

UIIC AO Exam 2024 Overview

For both general and specialist posts, the UIIC AO exam was conducted in a single shift from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The exam had both descriptive and objective parts. While the descriptive exam assessed English skills through essays and drafting of letters, the objective component consisted of 200 questions.

UIIC AO Exam Analysis 2024: Section-Wise Review

As per the feedback of the candidates, the overall difficulty of the exam was easy to moderate. Below is the section-wise detail:

1. Reasoning Ability

-Number of Questions: 50 (Generalist), 25 (Specialist)

-Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

-Key Topics: Syllogism, Inequalities

-Puzzles (Month & Date Based, Circular Sitting)

-Data Sufficiency, Direction & Distance

2. Quantitative Aptitude

-Number of Questions: 40 (Generalist), 25 (Specialist)

-Difficulty Level: Moderate

-Key Topics: Wrong Number Series, Simplification

-Data Interpretation (Pie Chart, Caselet)

-Arithmetic and Quadratic Equations

3. English Language

-Number of Questions: 50 (Generalist), 40 (Specialist)

-Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

-Key Topics: Reading Comprehension, Error Detection

-Para Jumbles, Word Usage

4. General Awareness

-Number of Questions: 40 (Generalist), 20 (Specialist)

-Difficulty Level: Moderate

-Key Topics: Insurance and Banking Awareness

-Current Affairs, Static GK

5. Computer Knowledge

-Number of Questions: 20 (Generalist), 30 (Specialist)

-Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

UIIC AO Exam Analysis: Good Attempts

The number of good attempts provides an idea of ​​the competitive cutoff.



Generalist (Good Attempts)

Specialist (Good Attempts)




English Language



Quantitative Aptitude



General Awareness



Computer Knowledge



UIIC AO Exam Schedule and Guidelines

Exam Shift Timings

-Shift 1: 12:30 PM–2:30 PM

-Shift 2: 4:30 PM–6:30 PM

Exam Day Instructions

-Carry Essential Documents: A valid photo ID and admit card are required.

-Adhere to Reporting Time: Reach there at least half an hour before the exam.

-Prohibited Items: Do not bring jewelry, electronics, or any other prohibited items.

-Appearance Compliance: Make sure your look matches the photo on the admit card.

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