Malvinder Singh Kang Moves Adjournment Motion in Lok Sabha to Demand Presidential Assent for Punjab's Anti-Sacrilege Bills
5 Dariya News
New Delhi 27-Nov-2024
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Member of Parliament, Malvinder Singh Kang, today moved an adjournment motion in the Lok Sabha, bringing to the forefront an urgent and sensitive issue concerning the people of Punjab. The motion seeks the Government of India’s intervention to expedite the presidential assent for the Punjab State's Indian Penal Code (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018 and the Code of Criminal Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill 2018. These bills propose stricter punishments, including life imprisonment, for acts of sacrilege against any religious text.
Briefing the media, Malvinder Singh Kang stated, "The sanctity of all religious texts, whether it is Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Bhagavad Gita, the Quran, or the Bible, must be upheld. The Punjab Legislative Assembly had unanimously passed these bills in 2018, but they remain pending for presidential assent even after six years.
He said that it is imperative that these laws are enacted to instill a sense of deterrence and prevent the recurring incidents of sacrilege that deeply hurt religious sentiments. We urge the Government of India to act promptly and respect the emotions of millions of people in Punjab and across the nation."
Highlighting the growing instances of sacrilege, Kang stressed on the need for stricter laws to safeguard religious harmony in a country where secularism and respect for diverse faiths are enshrined in the Constitution. He called upon all political parties to rise above partisan interests and collectively push for the approval of these bills to preserve the religious, spiritual and cultural ethos of India.