5 Dariya News

Rouble Nagi Art Foundation Launches First Computer Training Center in Anantnag Madrassa

5 Dariya News

Anantnag 30-May-2024

The Rouble Nagi Art Foundation has made a significant stride in its ongoing efforts in Kashmir by inaugurating a Computer Training Center at Tanzeem Ul Madaris Ahle Sunnat Sufi J&K in Guree Anantnag. The center was officially opened on May 30th by the Foundation's founder, social activist, and artist, Smt. Rouble Nagi, with the goal of enhancing digital literacy and skill development within the local community.

Equipped with the latest technology, the Computer Training Center is designed to provide extensive computer education to both students and community members. This initiative is a testament to the Foundation's dedication to reducing the digital divide and promoting socio-economic development in the area.

Rouble Nagi the driving force behind the Foundation, shared her excitement about the project: "Education, art, and digital literacy are crucial for creating new opportunities. By offering computer training, we aim to equip individuals with the skills needed to succeed in today's digital age."

The center will feature a variety of courses, including basic computer skills, programming, Tally, Photoshop, and digital literacy workshops. These programs are designed to accommodate different age groups and skill levels, ensuring that everyone from beginners to advanced learners can benefit.

The inauguration event was attended by local residents, Madrassa leaders, and educational professionals who praised the Foundation's efforts to enhance education and skills in the region. The new Computer Training Center is expected to significantly impact the local community by improving employability and encouraging a culture of lifelong learning.

About Rouble Nagi Art Foundation:

The Rouble Nagi Art Foundation is committed to advancing education, empowerment, and the arts in underserved communities across India. Through various initiatives such as art camps, educational programs, and skill development projects, the Foundation strives to create a more equitable and vibrant society.

This new initiative represents another milestone in the Foundation's ongoing mission to empower communities through education and skill development. The Rouble Nagi Art Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering growth and opportunities in Kashmir and beyond.