5 Dariya News

"Kashmir's Panzath Nag Celebrates Distinctive Spring Cleaning Festival"

5 Dariya News

Qazigund 26-May-2024

Under a clear Sunday morning sky, residents from about a dozen of villages gathered in Panzath, a picturesque village two kilometers from Qazigund in south Kashmir, for their annual spring-cleaning festival.From early morning, a diverse crowd of men, women, and children could be seen wading through the spring, catching fish, and tidying up the area.

After hours of de-weeding and de-silting, the spring's waters began to flow freely and glisten under the sun. Hundreds of residents participated in the cleaning and fishing festival,as every year, hundreds of villagers gather to clean the spring and catch fish, continuing a centuries-old tradition.

"I've participated in this festival since childhood. I've heard it's been happening for ages," said local resident from Panzath. The spring provides drinking water to over two dozen villages and irrigates vast areas of agricultural land.During the festival, villagers are allowed to fish within a designated area, which remains off-limits for the rest of the year.

Panzath village received special recognition in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly radio show, Mann Ki Baat, a few months ago and the village has been declared as Tourist Village also. "The village has great tourism potential. It's only 2 kilometers from the Jammu-Srinagar national highway and has become a new gateway to Kashmir since the Banihal-Qazigund tunnel opened," said locals 

They added, that people from neighboring districts visit the village to witness the annual festival. "This village has gained attention due to the festival and showcased its stunning beauty," they added.