5 Dariya News

Why is BJP not talking on issues today : Supriya Srinate

In Coffee with Supriya and Aujla, city residents learned about the vision of Congress

5 Dariya News

Amritsar 26-May-2024

Congress's social media department chairperson Supriya Srinate says why BJP is not talking about the issues today. Why today BJP is asking for votes only in the name of religion whereas politics should be in the name of issues.

Supriya Srinate and Gurjeet Singh Aujla were discussing with the city residents at Hotel Holiday Inn during coffee today. Where he not only discussed the issues of the city but also talked about the agenda of BJP against the country.

While addressing, Supriya said that unemployment, inflation, poverty are such issues which need to be talked about and whose solution is also necessary. He said that when he handed over power to BJP ten years ago, the dollar was 58 rupees whereas today it is 82 rupees and petrol was 70 rupees. 

During the time of Congress, crude oil was Rs 150 whereas now it is Rs 77 but petrol rates have not been reduced. He said that the BJP Prime Minister does not talk on any issue, be it the incident in Manipur, inflation, unemployment and poverty or the issue of farmers. 

But only Hindutva, temple, Muslim, Mangalsutra and now Mujra, such words are being used but there is no talk of development of the country. Talking about the manifesto of Congress, Supriya said that this manifesto has not been made by sitting in a room but by traveling across the country during the Bharat Jodo Yatra and knowing the problems of the people, so that every section has been included.  

During this, Lok Sabha candidate Gurjeet Singh Aujla while addressing the people said that they should vote wisely. He said that one should also know what tasks the Constitution has assigned to whom. 

For example, councilors are responsible for the cleanliness of the city and small works, they raise their voice in the house, then the councilors take the problem to the MLA and they raise their voice in the assembly and then the MPs are responsible for the big projects of the city and raise voice in Parliament. 

The state government is responsible for many works, but when AAP did not hold elections for Municipal Corporation, Municipal Council etc. just due to fear of defeat, the problems of the people remain the same. That is why vote thoughtfully in these elections so that the right issues can be discussed at the right places.