5 Dariya News

Seven-day Training on Scientific Bee Keeping concludes at Kisan Kendra

5 Dariya News

Jammu 10-Jan-2024

A seven-day training programme on scientific beekeeping, which was commenced on 4th of January 2024 under NBHM, concluded today here at Kissan Kendra, Jammu. Director Agriculture Jammu, Ram Savak graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The training was conducted for awareness & skill development of 40 prospective beekeepers of Jammu division as per instructions of Shailendra Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Govt, Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department.

During the 7 Day training programme on scientific beekeeping, the scientists from SKUAST – Jammu & departmental Experts delivered lectures on all aspects of scientific beekeeping including seasonal management, pests & diseases  management,  value addition & marketing strategies.The participants also visited Apiculture Demonstration cum Training Centre Chimney Chak, Jammu where practical hands-on training about operation of bee hives & management of bee colonies was imparted. 

The participants were also taken to AICRP for Honeybees & Pollinators at SKUAST- J, where they were imparted knowledge about Value addition of honey & its potential for making beekeeping a viable & profitable enterprise.

Ram Savak, Director Agriculture Jammu in his address highlighted the importance of beekeeping for income & employment generation. He emphasised upon unemployed youth to adopt beekeeping as a profession as J&K UT has huge potential in view of diverse  agro climatic conditions, rich biodiversity & increasing demand of honey in view its medicinal, nutritional & religious importance. 

He said advanced level trainings programmes & exposure visits to national level institutes will be conducted to meet wider aspirations of beekeepers. He reiterated that department is committed to provide technical & financial support to beekeepers for migration of bee colonies to chase bee flora for maximizing honey harvest & production of different types of honey with distinct aroma & taste. 

He also urged upon trainees to avail benefits under HADP & other schemes of department meant for promotion of beekeeping. He also informed participants that department will provide sale outlets for sale of local products including honey through opening of farmers facilitation centres at sub divisional level.

An interactive session cum feedback session was also held in which participants expressed satisfaction over the quality of training & relevance of Lectures delivered.At the end of programme, certificates were issued to the trainees on successful completion of training course by Ram Savak, Director Agriculture Jammu.

R.K. Hitaishi Joint Director of Agriculture (Extension) Jammu, Alok Pandotra, Deputy Director Agriculture (Trgs.) Jammu, Dr. Ashwani Sharma, SMS-RL, Bhupinder Gupta, Assistant Entomologist Jammu & other senior officers of department were present on the concluding day of training programme.Veena Wazir, AEA, Apiculture section conducted proceedings of programme.