5 Dariya News

ADC Jammu discusses arrangements for smooth celebration of Janmashtami festival

5 Dariya News

Jammu 28-Aug-2023

Additional Deputy Commissioner, Sandeep Seointra today chaired a meeting to discuss the arrangements for the upcoming Janmashtami festival.The meeting was attended by officers of line departments and representatives of different religious organisations and bodies, including Laxmi Narayan Mandir Trust, Sanatan Dharma Sabha, Dharmarth Trust and others.

During the meeting, the representatives of the religious organisations gave feedback on the requirement of arrangements on different counts and insights from previous years' celebrations.The organisations emphasised the importance of addressing issues related to traffic management, restroom facilities, drinking water provisions, decongestion of city routes and power-related matters.

SP Jammu North, Kulbir Handa, reassured the police department's cooperation and efficient management of law and order during the festival.The ADC issued directives to stakeholder departments to ensure the seamless arrangements for the festival, particularly smooth passage of Shoba Yatra. 

The Traffic, Health and Tourism departments were instructed to put in place necessary facilities for the devotees.Jammu Municipal Corporation officials were asked to maintain cleanliness and sanitation in the city. Additionally, he directed the JMC to deploy mobile toilets and dustbins along the procession route.

The Power Department was mandated to guarantee uninterrupted power supply, especially during the midnight celebrations. The Fire Safety Department was also urged to ensure the availability of fire fighting vehicles along the procession routes.

ADC Sandeep Seointra emphasised that the jhanki is an integral part of Jammu's cultural and traditional heritage. He called for the collective effort and cooperation of all stakeholders to ensure the successful organisation of this event.