Secretary Science, Technology & Environment Rahul Tewari inaugurates Spark Theater at Science City
5 Dariya News
Kapurthala 02-Aug-2023
The Govt. of Punjab intends to take Science & Technology to the masses in mission mode so that the benefits of modern science percolate in the society. For this the Deptt. of Science, Technology and Environment has adopted a special “Mission Popular Science”. Pushpa Gujral Science City is a major initiative of the Govt. in this direction.
Continuous efforts are therefore being made to regularly upgrade PGSC by adding new facilities.
This was informed by Sh. Rahul Tewari (IAS), Secretary, Science, Technology & Environment, Punjab at the occasion of inauguration of Spark theater and Anti-gravity room at Pushpa Gujral Science City.
He said that Science City is a stimulating and inspirational place where people of all ages, backgrounds and genders learn by engaging themselves in activities in the areas of Science, Technology and Mathematics.
He also informed that the Deptt. of Science, Technology and Environment is sponsoring more than one lakh Government school students every year to inculcate a culture of science in the state. Further he said that Ministry of Culture Govt. of India has released Rs.6.30 Crore for up graduation of space theater and Installation of new Flight Simulator.
Taking a round of various facilities like, Scientific Galleries, Panorama on Life through the Ages, Climate Change Theatre, Dino Park, Planetarium & Large Format Theatre and Simulators as well as the newly setup galleries on Electricity, Mathematics and Mission Tandrust Punjab, he appreciated the facilities which are at par with any international science museum and said that today, talk of science in the region is not complete without the mention of PGSC.
Dr. Neelima Jerath, Director General, Science City thanked Mr. Tewari for motivating the staff of Science City by his visit. She informed that the main attractions of Spark Theatre are: Tesla Coil to demonstrate wireless transmission of electricity; Van De Graff generator which is a source of very high voltage used to produce X-ray beams to sterilize food materials, as well as in entertainment industry; Spark Ladder & Spark Wheel for production of arc for ionization of air and a special Earthing Cage which protects from lightning, etc.
Dr. Rajesh Grover, Director Pushpa Gurjal Science City also expressed his gratitude for the continuous support of Punjab Government in fulfilling the core objectives of Science City.