MoSPI, PD&MD organise day long workshop on Revised Fund Flow Procedure & Revised MPLADS Guidelines 2023 at SKICC
On-line monitoring and tracking of funds to enhance effectiveness and transparency under MPLAD scheme: Additional Secretary MoSPI
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 04-Jul-2023
Union Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) in collaboration with Planning Development and Monitoring Department (PD&MD) J&K today organised a one day workshop on ‘Revised Fund Flow Procedure & Revised MPLADS Guidelines 2023’ at SKICC here.
Additional Secretary, MoSPI, Alok Shekhar; Secretary PD&MD, Dr. Raghav Langer; Deputy Director, MPLADS Division MoSPI, Director General Planning, Deputy Director Planning, Chief Planning Officers, representatives from Tata Consultancy Services and SBI participated in the workshop.
Speaking on the occasion, Additional Secretary MoSPI gave a thorough deliberation about the chief cause of conducting this workshop. He highlighted that on-line monitoring and tracking of funds will enhance effectiveness and transparency under MPLAD scheme.
While welcoming the participants during the workshop, Secretary PD&MD gave a brief introduction about the MPLADS and highlighted about the main aspects of the workshop. He asked all CPO’s to ensure compliance of directions under MPLADS, which is aimed at creating community durable assets based on locally felt needs, in letter and spirit.
During the workshop, a detailed presentation was given by TCS representatives highlighting about new guidelines of MPLADS and new system of fund flow. Complete step by step training was provided about how a particular work can get sanctioned and finally executed by the implementing Districts and how a work can be approved/ rejected with proper remarks.
It was also mentioned that the new regime is synced with PFMS system so that there are hassle free settlement of claims/ payments. It was also deliberated that how various documents can be prepared and uploaded and forwarded to the Ministry so that there is no lapse/ delay in release of funds thereby completing the works in time.
The officers of MoSPI retaliated on the occasion that funds under the New Guidelines 2023 shall be directly disbursed to the implementing Districts so that the works are completed in time.
Director General Planning, Parvaiz Sajad Kakroo in his concluding remarks during the workshop said that the training programme has given a lot of insight and knowledge to all the participants and advised them that the knowledge may be disseminated to all concerned involved in MPLADS.