Special Summary Revision 2023: DEO Samba inspects polling stations
5 Dariya News
Samba 09-Apr-2023
District Election Officer and Deputy Commissioner, Anuradha Gupta, conducted a tour to inspect polling stations and review the progress of the ongoing Special Summary Revision 2023.
The District Election Officer and other officials reviewed the preparedness of polling stations, including the availability of necessary facilities and infrastructure for smooth conduct of elections. The DEO emphasised the importance of accurate and up-to-date electoral rolls for conducting elections in a democratic and inclusive manner.
Anuradha Gupta interacted with Booth Level Officials present at polling stations and provided them with necessary directions. She urged them to ensure accuracy and completeness of the electoral roll at booth level and directed them to conduct thorough verification of voter details and address any discrepancies or errors promptly and efficiently.
During the tour, several polling station locations were inspected to assess their preparedness for the upcoming elections. These included the office of the Block Development Officer Samba, Hony Captain Dharub Singh Memorial Girls Higher Secondary School in Samba of the 70-Samba Assembly Constituency; and Government High School Baribrahmana of the 71-Vijaypur Assembly Constituency.
The purpose of the visit was to review the progress of the Special Summary Revision 2023, an exercise undertaken by the Election Commission of India to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the electoral roll.
The visit was attended by various officers, including Joint Chief Election Officer, Anil Salgotra; Electoral Registration Officers, Assistant Electoral Registration Officers, Deputy District Election Officer and other election officials.