Indian Oil Corporation signed MoA with HBCH&RC, New Chandigarh to provide CSR support for their Cancer Prevention Project
5 Dariya News
Mullanpur 17-Mar-2023
Indian Oil Corporation, Punjab State Office today signed a MoA with Homi Baba Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (a unit of Tata Memorial Centre), Mullanpur, New Chandigarh, SAS Nagar for extending CSR support for their Cancer Prevention Project.
The MoA was signed by Director, HBCH&RC Dr. Ashish Gulia and GM(HR-CSR), IOCL Sh. Arif Akhtar and exchanged by CGM(Lubes), IOCL Sh. Girish Jain, GM(F), IOCL, Sh. Pramod Jain from Indian Oil and Director, HBCH&RC.
The MoA was witnessed by Sh. Aman Tipu Chauhan (IOCL) and Sh. Keshav Sharma (Deputy Controller of Accounts) & Sh. Mihir R. Panda (Assistant Administrative Officer), Dr. Vandita Pahwa (OIC Preventive Oncology), Dr. Tapas Dora (OIC Radiation Oncology), Dr. Rahatdeep Singh Brar (OIC Radiology), HBCH&RC, New Chandigarh.
Under the CSR scheme of Indian Oil, they shall be extending a support of Rs.62.65 Lacs to HBCH&RC for purchase of equipment required for conducting tests for early detection of Cervix and Breast Cancer which shall be used for setting up a new preventive oncology unit at HBCH&RC, New Chandigarh.
Dr Vandita Pahwa, Preventive Oncology, updated that HBCH&RC, New Chandigarh regularly conducts camps in various villages of Punjab to screen women for preventable cancers such as Breast and Cervical Cancer.
These cancers can be avoided by eliminating the risk factors or can be detected at pre cancer stage/early stage, when the changes are reversible and treatment is simpler, less mutilative and less expensive.With the help of funds received from IOCL, the hospital will be able to expand its outreach activities and sensitize and enable women to get screened for these cancers at their doorstep.
The major hurdle faced is getting the screen positive women to the hospital, with the help of these funds, we can arrange facilities for the women to follow up at the hospital and get manage and treated adequately with equipments like optical colposcope, thermal ablation and cryotherapy.
The funding will also help in training health worker across northern India thus increasing the impact and coverage of the services.Director, HBCH&RC, Dr. Ashish Gulia informed our correspondents that they had approached Indian Oil for providing support towards this new initiative of Tata Memorial Centre, which has been accepted by Indian Oil.
He thanked Indian Oil for their support for the Project. Indian Oil in pursuit to help Cancer patients, last year provided assistance of Rs. 92.5 lacs to HBCH, Sangrur for purchase of equipments for treatment of Cancer Patients coming to their unit at Sangrur. Sh. Keshav Sharma, Deputy Controller of Accounts informed more than 70% patients are treated free of cost under various schemes in this hospital. (The names of schemes are Ayushman Bharat, ECHS, ESIC, Mukh Mantri Punjab Cancer Raahat Kosh Scheme).
The equipments being donated by IOCL will be very helpful to provide free and quality treatment to the needy patients.Earlier, CGM (Lubes), IOCL Sh. Girish Jain, GM(F), IOCL Sh. Pramod Jain and GM(HR-CSR), IOCL Sh Arif Akhtar were welcomed at HBCH&RC, Mullanpur. Under the Go-Green initiative tree plantation was also done by them at HBCH&RC, New Chandigarh.