5 Dariya News

Important role of morcha's in making BJP omniscient and omnipresent : Avinash Rai Khanna

5 Dariya News

Shimla 09-Sep-2022

BJP State Incharge Avinash Rai Khanna attended a joint meeting of BJP Kisan, Mahila and Yuva morcha in hotel hill, Theog.The meeting was presided by District mahasu President Ajay Shayam and MLA Balbir Verma was also present.

Avinash Rai Khanna took stock of ground situation 

Avinash Rai Khanna took stock of ground situation of all the Morcha's.Each and every morcha gave the ground reports of the work done by them on the booth level. There are 706 booths in this organisational district and all the morcha's have completed their formation on these booths for example one booth twenty youth.

The morchas also told about the upcoming programme of their units.Khanna said that the work done by all the morcha's is quite satisfactory.He said Important role in making BJP omniscient and omnipresent

BJYM to bear all the expenses of the Modi Rally themselves

Yuva morcha apprised the BJP State incharge Avinash Rai Khanna about the preperations of the boold camps to be organised at mandal level on the Prime minister Narendra Modi's birthday on the 17th September and the preperations done till date for the Yuva morch rally to be held in Mandi on the 24th September.

As per the meeting held yesterday it has been decided that BJYM will bear all the expenses of the Modi rally to be held in Mandi.BJYM is focusing on youth management for the Modi rally.

Khanna said that this is for the first time that a Prime minister will be attending a Morcha rally in India. In this rally all attendees will be below 40 years and more than one lakh youth will participate in the rally.

Yuva morcha will also take out Bike rallies on 22nd September to gear up the Modi rally preperations.President Vinod heta gave his work status of the morcha to Khanna.

Khanna gave tips to all morcha's

Avinash Rai Khanna gave tips to all morcha's on who to make the organisation stronger. He said that the morcha's play a vital role in all party activities.Khanna said that the workers in the morcha are the future of the party.I must say that Morcha workers have excellent leadership qualities.

Mahila morcha to focus on booth working

Mahila morcha is strengthening the booth activity and they have completed the formation on all the booths.Mahila morcha sammelan was a hit in chaupal, the next sammelan of mahila morch will be on 16th September in Jubbal Kotkhai followed by Sammelans in Rampur , theog and Rohru.

Women are participating in huge numbers in these sammelans.Khanna said that President of India is a women, BJP has made a lot of governors, centre ministers and ministers from the women category.

BJP has given great respect to women and this kind of respect is not seen in any other political parties.District President Anita verma gave the presentation of her morcha.

SC morcha to appoint mandal in-charge to enhance working

Morcha President Amit bhusheri gave his report to the BJP State Incharge.It was noticed that SC morcha had not appointed mandal in-charges. Avinash Rai Khanna adviced the morcha to appoint the same by doing this the working of the morcha will be enhanced.

SC morcha will play a vital role in th upcoming general elections.Soon there will be mandal sammelan's of SC morcha the dates for the same will be decided soon.There is a target of 3000 workers set for these sammelans.

Kisan morcha to take schemes from door to door

President Deepak Panaik gave the details of their working to Avinash Rai Khanna.There are 32 schemes made in favour of Farmers which is beneficial for them.Kisan morcha workers will go door to door for an awareness campaign of government scheme to the farmers.

During the congress rule from 2013 to 2017 , close to 1 thousand 819 crore were allotted for famers and I am happy to tell you that during the Jairam Government has allotted 2 housand 559 crore to the farmers which is 40.65% higher than the congress government.