5 Dariya News

What is Colon Cancer?

Know its symptoms, causes & methods of prevention from this deadly disease

5 Dariya News


-Colon cancer begins in the innermost layer of the wall of the 1.5 metre long large intestine.

-More than 655,000 people die due to this disease each year from colon cancer world wide 

If you are experiencing symptoms like weight loss, bloody stools, fatigue, anaemia, intestinal changes or vomiting, then you should be careful as these are all symptoms of colorectal cancer. Please have a glance on the details to know more about it . 

Following are the symptoms of Colon Cancer? 

In the early stage of suffering  it becomes difficult to assess the symptoms of Colon Cancer. Maximum people unable to find themselves to experience major symptoms as the disease starts its progression.

Symptoms of cancer may vary according to the magnitude of the it in the intestine which includes its size & location in the intestine:

At the very least ⁦@chadwickboseman⁩ has brought to light how colon cancer is ravaging adults under 50. #ColonCancer@StopColonCancer⁩ ⁦@CCAlliance⁩ ⁦@ColonCancerFdn⁩ ⁦@ColonCancerPrevhttps://t.co/HjMvu70a9n

— Seattle Geekly🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️🎲🎮🏰⚔️🏴‍☠️ (@seattlegeekly) August 31, 2020

Following are the symptoms of Colon Cancer:

  • Diarrhoea 

  • Constipation 

  • Fatigue 

  • Cramps, abdominal pain 

  • Change in stool consistency 

  • Gas & bloating 

  • Sensitive gut disease 

  • Weight Lose 

  • Bloody stool 

  • Anaemia 

  • Blurry Vision

  • Vomiting 

  • Fracture

  • Chronic headache

  • Jaundice 

  • Blurry Vision 

  • Constipation 

  • Swelling   

Among Hispanics in the US, colon cancer is the second-leading cancer killer, but it doesn’t have to be. The disease can be diagnosed and prevented with a colonoscopy. Even if you don’t have symptoms, if you’re 45 or older, the American Cancer Society says you’re at risk. pic.twitter.com/kE3KHL87K6

— StopColonCancerNow (@StopColonCancer) June 3, 2022

Risk factors for Colon Cancer?

Factors responsible behind Colon or Colorectal Cancer:

  • Old age complications 

  • Smoking habits 

  • Over consumption of alcohol 

  • Related Family History 

  • Red meat & illicit eating or processed foods

  • Diabetes type - 2 

  • Obesity & overweight condition 

  • Slacked & sedentary lifestyle 

  • Low intake of fibre 

  • Inflammatory conditions 

  • Radiation Therapy (history)

  • Ulcerative Colitis 

Colon cancer can cause a following problems:

  • Severe pain in abdomen (lower)

  • Pain generated through bowel movements 

  • Weight lose problem 

  • Anaemia 

  • Gas passing 

  • Bloody stool 

In initial stages, the symptoms can be identified, later on cured and treated with medical attention. 

What complications can a person face during colon cancer?

Some possible complications of colon cancer include are mentioned below:

  • Blockage in the large intestine that leads to bowel obstruction.

  • Recurrence can be the major complications of colon cancer 

  • Uncontrolled spread of cancer in the body.

  • Second primary colon cancer.

Preventional Methods for Colon Cancer

To reduce the chances of colon cancer, the following activities can be included in your life, which can prove beneficial for your healthy body:

  • Take care of stress management.

  • Older people keep their life healthy and get regular checkups done.

  • Must include fruits and vegetables in alcohol consumption should be avoided.

  • Reduce sugar in the food or related products.

  • Do regular exercise or other physical activities to be fit.

  • Try to avoid taking caffeine & add some liquid diets in eating. 

  • Fibre rich foods should be included in food.

  • Older people keep their life healthy and get regular checkups done.

  • The use of garlic is useful to avoid colon cancer.

  • Eat olive oil and selenium in your diet.

  • Avoid consumption of red meat

  • Processed foods, fat & meat.

  • Stool check ups should be taken once in an  year 

  • Adults should take special care.

  • Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water in a day.

  • Avoid smoking or it would be better to quit.

#Ginger, The Pungent Spice Which Processes Anti #ColonCancer Potential https://t.co/XziHodezwj pic.twitter.com/z93bPCkUHb

— Kyle J. Norton (@kylejnorton) June 5, 2022