5 Dariya News

Step ahead: MCMC Kapurthala starts awareness campaign "Miari Prachar-Miari Sarkar" towards Ethical Election Publicity

DC cum Dist. Election Officer Deepti Uppal released posters with slogans to aware political parties & candidates

5 Dariya News

Jalandhar/Kapurthala 25-Jan-2022

In respect to set guidelines of Election Commission of India & following the duties of State Election Commission, the Kapurthala district administration take step ahead initiative. It is a campaign with a title"Miari Prachar-Miari Sarkar" . This campaign will aware the political parties as well as candidates & their associates who are working to publicize their election campaign in their respective constituencies. This campaign will support the ethical election publicity, specifically at rural areas of the four constituencies of the District Kapurthala that are Phagwara, Sultanpur Lodhi, Bhulath & Kapurthala. To promote this campaign, I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) & District Public Relations Office team will work jointly under the constituted Media Certification and Monitoring committee (MCMC). On Monday, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) cum Dist. Election Officer Deepti Uppal, IAS released posters with slogans of this campaign at MCMC room no. 320, third floor, District Administration complex Kapurthala. 

She said that to work on ground level towards ethical political publicity these kind of campaigns are very much important. She read out the slogans of the campaign "Zila Kapurthala Di Tarakki da Aadhar - Miari Prachar-Miari Sarkar" , "Chahunde hon je sahi sarkar-roko milke kood parchar". MCMC Chairman cum ADC Kapurthala Aditya Uppal, IAS shared that under this initiative the MCMC team members will circulate the awareness posters at political party offices, between the local PR teams of the political candidates. He said that MCMC team members will also circulate information through social media platforms.District Public Relations Officer Subeg Singh shared updated information with DEO cum DC Kapurthala about the applications received and about the issuance of certificates, Deputy Registrar PR IKGPTU Rajneesh Sharma explained about the social media watch over the candidates activities and their expenditure. All the team members of MCMC were present on this occasion.