National Seminar on Introspection &Prospects of AYURVEDA In 21st Century at DBU
5 Dariya News
Mandi Gobindgarh 02-Dec-2021
Desh Bhagat Ayurvedic College & Hospital organized a two day national seminar on ‘Introspection & Prospects of Ayurveda in 21st Century’ at Mandi Gobindgarh , Punjab . The main aim was to create awareness about various possibilities and future aspects of Ayurveda In 21st century.The inauguration of the seminar was done by Hon’ble Cabinet Minister of Punjab Mr. Raj kumar Verka.The Guest of Honour Hon'ble Mr.Raj Kumar Verka Hon’ble Minister said that education is the most valuable thing for the younger generation. Only education can change the future prospect of the nation. The upliftment of the society cannot be done without knowledge and its use in our present scenario.Dr.Zora Singh (Chancellor DBU ) , Mr.Sandeep Singh (President DBU) & Mrs. Tajinder Kaur (Pro Chancellor DBU ) honoured our Chief guest Mr. Raj Kumar Verka by presenting him a momento as a token of appreciation and respect.They also thanked him for his valuable and esteemed presence at the National Seminar.The inaugural session was done by Dr. Zora Singh Chancellor Desh Bhagat University .
Dr. Zora Singh welcomed the hon’ble Cabinet Minister Mr. Raj kumar Verka and told that he always worked for the welfare and development of the people especially for sc, st and backward classes . He also inaugurated Gramin Gyan Library a new concept to spread education .Mr. Raj Kumar Verka is always indulged in political as well as social & cultural activities .Dr. Tejinder Kaur Pro Chancellor DBU .Dr. Sandeep Singh President, Dr. Shalini Gupta VC, Dr. Kulbhushan Director (DBAC&H), Dr. Satya Deo Pandey Principal (DBAC&H) also graced the event. Ayurveda emphasizes on mental and physical balance in every individual .Eminent and distinguished guests from all over India participated in the seminar to elaborate Ayurveda .Dr. Rajan Kaushal (AMO,Fatehgarh Sahib) gave introduction on Ayurveda and impart in depth knowledge about it. He articulated that modern medicines are symptomatic but ayurveda focuses on the root of the problem .
Technical sessions were conducted on both days by Dr. Sharda (Principal JIA&R ) along with Dr. Harbans Singh (HOD Kayachikitsa, Research Officer CARI, Patiala) on Day one and PK Prajapati (Prof.& HOD Rashshastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana from AIIA) & Dr.Anil Sharma (Prof. & HOD Dept. of Dravya Guna SkGC & H Kurukshetra) as Chairperson & Co Chairperson on second day.Eminent persons from various fields & Ph.d scholars gave presentations on various clinical topics.Dr .Naresh Kumar Bhargav(SKAU, Kurukshetra), Dr.Vivek Aggarwal & Dr.Annand Prasad Associate Professors (MSM Institute of Ayurveda ,BPS Mahila Vishvavidyalaya Sonipat) gave valuable and detailed information.Dr. Ravi Kumar,Dr. Harbani Singh,Dr. Rajan Kaushal,Dr. Sharda,Dr. Sandeep, Dr. Ravikant,Dr. Aman Kaushal and Dr. Rakesh Sharma were also honoured by the chief guest Mr.Raj kumarVerka hon’ble Cabinet Minister .A cultural program presented by the students was thoroughly enjoyed by all. A new and fresh approach towards Ayurveda was seen in the seminar.
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