To phase out single use plastic , PPCB organise awareness drive
5 Dariya News
Kapurthala 08-Oct-2021
Celebration of "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav"- Awareness drives to avoid the use of Single Use Plastic (SUP)- At Pushpa Gujral Science City, kapurthala.The Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India vide its notification dated 12-08-2021 has amended the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.As per these amendment Rules, "Single-use plastic commodities" such as Ear buds with plastic sticks, plastic sticks for balloons, plastic flags, candy sticks, ice cream sticks, polystyrene (thermocol) for decoration;. Plates, cups, glasses, cutlery, plastic, PVC banners less than 100 microns, stirrers etc. shall be prohibited w.e.f. 01-07-2022.Govt. Of India has launched a 75-week long campaign "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahostav" to celebrate the achievements of the country and its people and to motivate and encourage the citizens to positive steps for the growth of the country.To phase out single use plastic (SUP) by 2022, "Awareness programs to avoid the use of single use plastics", an awareness programme was organized by Punjab Pollution Control Board today at Pushpa Gujaral Science City, Jalandhar.The Key Dignitaries present during the event were Prof(Dr.) Adarsh pal vig, Chairman PPCB.; Sh. Krunesh Garg, MS, PPCB; Dr. Saroj Arora, Prof. GNDU, Dr. Neelima Jairath, DG, Science City; Sh. Shant Kumar, Hamco Charitable Trust., Er. GS Majithia, Chief Environmental Engineer, PPCB. The event was attended by Officials Of Local Bodies Deptt., Education Department, Various Industrial Associations and nearly 200 students from various schools.
Dr. Saroj Arora, Professor, Department of Botanical Sciences and Environment GNDU briefed the participants about the how the plastic has become a way of living and is damaging the Environment in an unprecedented way. She highlighted the ill effects of single use plastics and the deterioration it causes to the Environment. She informed that humans are buying 1,000,000 plastic bottles per minute and nearly 400 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated per year. 2 garbage trucks shall be disposed off in oceans every minute by 2030. Smt. Neelima Jairath, Director General, Pushpa Gujral Science City deliberated about the various alternatives to the Single Use plastic and the need for elimination of the same from the items of our daily use. She also highlighted various success stories regarding efficient plastic waste management through local practices. Sh. Krunesh Garg Member Secretary PPCB highlighted the various initiatives taken by Punjab Pollution Control Board for the management and recycling of the plastic waste. He also stressed on the involvement of the community as a whole for achieving a plastic free society in a near future.Prof. (Dr.) Adarsh Pal Vig, Chairman , PPCB talked about how the participation at individual level is the key for preventing plastic pollution. He stressed on the various toxic materials released when the plastic materials are burnt and how the marine life is suffering tremendously at the hands of plastic pollution. He lastly appealed to all the participants to use alternatives to single use plastics.The Event ended with a vote of thanks from Er. GS Majithia, Chief Environmental Engineer, PPCB