5 Dariya News

Development ladder of Nation: Nishit Pramanik

5 Dariya News

Pulwama 20-Sep-2021

Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Sh Nishit Pramanik today inaugurated a Youth Conclave in Pulwama in which thousands of youth participated.The Minister appealed the youth of Pulwama to come forward and be the participants in the developmental ladder. He said that the objective of the conclave is a step towards fulfilling the aspirations of youth of Pulwama.He added that the acquiring of skill relevant with the opportunities available in the market is the need of times.Sh Pramanik said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a vision for J&K and concerted efforts are being made to turn his vision into reality.He  also said that the skill development initiative  will not only benefit youth of J&K but will also help UT Administration in understanding the unemployment situation in Kashmir so that necessary steps can be taken based on suggestions from the youth.He stressed on commercial cultivation of high-value products in the primary sectors including agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, dairy, handloom and handicrafts which are profitable job avenues for Pulwama youth. Reiterating that Pulwama youth are professional, articulate, and talented, the Minister urged them to work hard to capitalize on the opportunities. He stated that both the Central Government and UT Administration would support them in their endeavors.

The minister said, “Only the skilled and specialized person can get the benefit of the growing market, therefore it becomes very important to skill our youth”.He said, “I hope such workshops will equip our youth with the emerging skills. New Kashmir has new challenges, and the youths of Kashmir hold bigger responsibilities. Many opportunities are coming up and we must have some sort of skills to grab those opportunities”.He requested youth from the district to engage themselves in developing specialized skills rather than looking for government jobs.Baseer Ul Haq Chowdhary, DC, Pulwama in his welcome speech said that the workshop will equip youths of the district.Large number of unemployed youth participated in the workshop.The resource persons for the workshop were Chairman Quality Council of India, Director Reliance Industry L&T Mr Adil Zainulbhai, Secretary Tribal Affairs, CEO Mission Youth J&K, Dr Shahid Iqbal Chowdhary, Former Chancellor of Maulana Azad Urdu University  Mr Zafar Sareshwala and renowed Indian folk singer Padma Shree Malini.CEO, Mission Youth, briefed the participants about the skill development and said that its main objective is to expose the students to different kinds of skills.Experts from different fields shared their experiences and talked about opportunities in various sectors such as entrepreneurship, food processing, tourism, solar technology, apparel, and home furnishing among others.

Later the Minister also met DDC Members, BDC Members and Sarpanchs, who apprised him about their demands and grievances.Representatives of different political parties called on the Minister wherein they highlighted several demands and grievances pertaining to socio-economic development of the society.A delegation of PRIs extended gratitude of the central government for conducting the outreach programme so as to hear the common masses.The Minister gave a patient hearing and expressed happiness over the meeting held with the delegations. He said that Union Government has a dream for development of Jammu and Kashmir, adding that the present out-reach programme has been initiated by the Government to know the basic problems of the people at the ground level.He assured that the demands and grievances projected by the delegations have been taken note of and the same would be put up with Government at Union level as well as with Lieutenant Governor for their timely redressal.Later the minister paid a detailed visit to Indian International Trade Saffron Spice Park, Pampore where he inspected various departments of the processing unit.In addition to the Stigma Separation Center, the minister also inspected the drawing, grading, packing and E-Auction Centers at the park.He also inaugurated the inter zonal District Level Competitions of District Pulwama in various games and distributed sports kits among the specially abled persons and orphans.The minister impressed upon the participants to take part in games and sports to get physically and mentally fit.