5 Dariya News

AYUSH Dispensary Afti Warwan replenished with annual supply

5 Dariya News

Kishtwar 19-Aug-2021

AYUSH Dispensary Afti Warwan has been replenished with annual supply by the department.District Nodal Officer AYUSH Dr Taraq Hussain alongwith the yoga Therapist Anil Kumar conducted 2 day visit to the  far off AYUSH  Dispensary with the Annual supply and routine inspection.  on the directions of the Director Dr. Mohan Singh and under the overall supervision of the Deputy Commissioner, Ashok Kumar  Sharma. The Nodal Officer visited Afti Warwan for the second year in succession to ensure smooth working of the health institute in the prevailing circumstances like lack of road connectivity, mobile and internet access. During the two day tour, the visiting team disseminated the awareness through yoga among the general public of Warwan besides providing them with the AYUSH Immunity booster.Dr Taraq inspected the Dispensary thoroughly and was highly satisfied with the presiding Medical Officer Dr Imran Ahmad Mir.Meanwhile, he also interacted with the general public of all age groups and listened to their concerned grievances. He assured them that the department will take every possible step for the betterment of the health/ of the people of the area.The Nodal Officer in particular appealed the public to keep following the Covid appropriate behavior/ SOPs, including observing social distance and usage of masks as the threat of the Covid 19 was not yet over.