5 Dariya News

Ability day celebrations by Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights

Child Heroes Honoured by CCPCR on ability day

5 Dariya News

Chandigarh 03-Dec-2020

Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights celebrated with an aim of ‘building back together’ its fourth ability day on the occasion of international day for persons with disability. Building back together means a world for and with differently abled children, to built inclusive, accountable and sustainable world for them post COVID 19. The programme was organised under the abled guidance of Smt. Harjinder Kaur, Chairperson, CCPCR. As part of celebrations 12 child heroes from different special schools across the city were honoured. These students have showcased exemplary achievements in varied fields like academics, sports and co-curriculum activities. Sh. Mahavir Singh, Member Secretary, SLSA was chief guest at the occasion and Sh. Sanjay Tandon was the Guest of Honour. Dr. Monika Singh, Member, CCPCR in her welcome address said that CCPCR is working towards building child friendly Chandigarh which cascades into inclusive environment for all children and our effort today is to ensure participation of specially abled children and respective stakeholders in this initiative. Speaking on the occasion, Sh. Mahavir Singh said that positive mind set is the only measure for success and the physical barriers can be surpassed by the right mind set as proven by our child heroes present today. CCPCR has a tradition of recognising the selfless work done by various citizens towards child rights. Continuing with this practice commission honoured Sh. Sanjay Tandon, for his valuable contribution towards child rights during the pandemic period. He said that intent is all that matters for contributing towards society. COVID showed us various new ways in which we can help the ones in need and gave me an opportunity to be helpful for others in society through distribution of laptops and masks.As part of the programme, BalAdalat was organised where different resource persons from various child rights organisations, Ms. Tabhusm, DCPU, Sh. Rajeshwar Singh, SLSA, Ms. Rajni Kapoor, Dept of education and Sh. J.S. Jayara, Institute for the blind shared their insights on the matters related to differently abled children.While giving vote of thanks, Ms. PoojaPunchhi, Member, CCPCR said that we appreciate the work undertaken by special institutes of the city. Their selfless contribution will ensure that we as a community and country are inclusive towards collaborative growth and development of all citizens.