Shoolini Tech Fest ‘MOKSH-2014’ kicks open
5 Dariya News
Solan 12-May-2014
The inaugural two day Shoolini University Techfest ‘MOKSH-2014’ commenced at a glittering ceremony here on Monday.High zeal and enthusiasm among the 3,500 students along with the staff, other dignitaries from various reputed institutions from the country set the tone for the event.With the participation of students from various colleges and institutions across the state and outside places, the tech fest is sure to provide the youth brigade an ideal platform to perform and come in the limelight.
The Guest of Honour,Govind Pandey, Head Banking, HDFC Bank Northern regioninaugurated the event.He was accompanied by the Pro-Vice Chancellor, AtulKhosla, Pro-Chancellor Satish Anand and the management of Shoolini University.The university campus was buzzing with excitement and the congregation of students from various universities added to the overall feel of the fest. The fest is studded with wide array of events such as cultural, literary, fine arts, quizzing, photography, and fun sports.
Addressing the gathering, MrPandey urged the students to pursue their dreams with passion no matter how small it may be as they are the stepping stones for any major success. He added that such events not only help the students in showcasing their creative side and talent, but also aidsin developing their managerial capabilities.A first day of the fest was marked by a variety of events, both cultural and technical. The fine arts events included exhibitions, poster making competition, debate and declamation. Besides, exhibitions of science models;technical events like computer games and ‘Rodies’ saw high competition among the participants.The cultural events held on Monday also included singing and dancing competitions from various institutes with the highlight of the day being a scintillating performance by Pahadi singer Kuldeep Sharma. Several events are also lined up for Tuesday including Performances by Punjabi singing sensationJassi Gill and trance party by MTV VJ Chitrakshi.