5 Dariya News

Jai Ram Thakur presides over Passing Out Parade of Probationer DSP's and SI's

Inaugurated residential building for trainees of Rs. 1.75 crore

5 Dariya News

Kangra 12-Sep-2020

Armed Police and Training Headquarter would be shifted from Shimla to Palampur and post of DIG Intelligence would now operate from Dharamshala for effective functioning of Police department. This was stated by the  Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur while presiding over the Passing Out Parade of the Deputy Superintendent of Police probationers (12th Batch) and Sub Inspector Probationers (8th Batch) at Himachal Pradesh Police Training College Daroh in Kangra district today.Chief Minister hoisted the Police Flag and took salute from the impressive march past by contingents of Police. DSP probationer Pranav Chauhan commanded the parade.Chief Minister said that this was a very proud movement for the parents and family members of the probationer officers, who have passed out today. He expressed hope that the trainees passing out today would serve the State and its people with utmost dedication and help in making it a ‘Dev Bhumi’ in real sense. He said that discipline was very important for overall and alround development of our personality. He said that the young police officers should become role model for the society and the younger generation. He said that working in the Police Force can be challenging but is also a rewarding career with lot of chances to make a difference within the community.Jai Ram Thakur said that the State Police has done a commendable work during the Córona pandemic. He said that as frontline warriors they have ensured proper checking of person entering the State. He said that this has ensured that no one enter the State without proper tests and without following the guidelines set by the State Government. He said that despite the Covid 19 pandemic the Police Training College Daroh has done a commendable service by ensuring uninterrupted training of these Young officers.  He said that this was possible due to the hardwork and commitment of the Principal and other officers of the College.

Chief Minister said that society have great expectation from the Police and each and every police personnel must ensure that they work as per the expectation of the people. He said that the Himachal Pradesh was a tourist State where lakhs of tourists visits every year. He said that the police must be courteous towards the tourists so that they carry good memories about the State. He said that the behaviour of the police must be courteous and polished so that they become brand ambassadors of the State.Jai Ram Thakur said that in earlier times, the charter of police duties was confined only to the prevention of crime against person and property and punishment to the offenders but with the growth of society fresh manifestations of crime both white collar as well as overtly violent forms have emerged as fresh challenges to police. He said that developmental and welfare activities can be undertaken successfully only if the foundations of law and order are well laid and well looked after. The law and order situation immensely effect the functioning and structure of administration besides having larger social and political overtones, he added.Chief Minister said that the State Government has also accorded approval for filling up of 1000 posts of Police Constables in the State, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic the recruitment process has been delayed. He said that the process would be expedited soon.Chief Minister announced Rs10 crore per year for the next five years to the Police Training College Daroh for developing and strengthening better infrastructure in the College. He also announced opening of ASP Office at Nurpur.

Jai Ram Thakur also inaugurated a residential building of the trainees constructed by spending an amount of Rs 1.75 crore.He also announced Rs 1,37,80,650 from  Disaster Management Fund to the Police Force for under taking  required works and activities. He also announced that the road leading to the in-house helipad would be metalled at the earliest.Chief Minister also distributed prizes to the best probationers on the occasion.  DSP Probationer Pranav Chauhan was adjudged as over all best amongst DSP Probationers and Sub Inspector navneet Saini was adjudged overall best amongst Sub Inspector Probationers.Director General of Police Sanjay Kundu while welcoming the Chief Minister said that effective training was the very basis of any uniformed services. He said that in the covid crisis, the State Police has played a commendable role in effectively fighting this pandemic as front line warriors. He said that the Police Training College, Daroh has completed twenty-five years of its existence and have produced some of the finest police officers in the State. He thanked the Chief Minister for providing liberal funds for strengthening infrastructure in this College.Principal Police Training College Daroh, Dr. Atul Fulzale administered oath to the Police Probationers on the occasion. While welcoming the Chief Minister and other dignitaries, he said that said that three DSP and 15 Probationer Sub Inspectors have passes out from this college today. He said that not only physical training, the trainees were provided training in cyber crime, criminal laws etc.A colourful cultural programme was also organised on the occasion. Police trainees of the College regaled the gathering by their several daredevil feats.SP PTC Ramesh Chajta presented vote of thanks. Speaker State Vidhan Sabha Vipin Singh Parmar, Forest Minister Rakesh Pathania, MLAs Ravinder Dhiman, Mulk Raj Premi and Vishal Nehariya, IG JP Singh, were present on the occasion among others.