Shopian : 3-Day Volleyball Tournament Concludes at Nagbal
5 Dariya News (Mudasir Maqbool)
Shopian 24-Feb-2020
3 day Volley Tounament Concludes today at South Kashmir's Nagbal village of Shopian in which 10 teams of the far flung areas Participated.The final match of the Tournament was played between Narwani Club and Nagbal where Nagbal Club emerged winner after defeating the opponents by 25/20. sets.While in Girls Category the finale match was played between Iqra Club and Simran Club in which Simran Club defeated Iqra Club by 2:1sets,15/8.The Tournament was Inaugurated before three days jointly by Valley association Shopian and J&K sports council in which 10 teams of the area participated.The main aim of the Tournament is to providing youth an opportunity to participate in sports activities and help them in enhancing their mental and physical ability.The chief Guest of the final Match was Major Ram Babu of 44 RR Camp on the valedictory function.Mr Malik Shabir General Secretary Volleyball Association, Principal CNNI(Cambridge Noorani Educational Institute Nagbal) Bilal Ahmad and other staff members were also present on the occasion.The event culminated with the prize distribution, in which winner team and runner up team were presented with Rs 5000 and 2000 respectively along with mementoes by the chief guest.