Desi Ghee Adulteration surfaces in Festival Season
Adulterators exposed in Bathinda and Ludhiana, 60 Litres of Duplicate Desi Ghee Seized -Kahan Singh Pannu
5 Dariya News
Chandigarh 02-Oct-2019
The Food Safety team of the Commissionerate has seized 60 litres of duplicate desi ghee from Gandhi market Bathinda, informed KS Pannu Commissioner Food and Drug Administration Punjab.Giving details, Pannu informed that the Food Safety Teams in the State are observing utmost vigil in the ongoing festival season. The teams are working tirelessly to curb the menace of food adulteration. In lines with the commitment to provide quality Milk and milk products to the people, the food safety teams are conducting inspections from dawn to dusk and are even working during gazetted holidays. In one such inspection late evening on October 2, the Bathinda Food Safety team recovered duplicate desi ghee.Some of the duplicate ghee was branded as Ganga Deep Premium Quality and the other as Milk Food Ghee. The duplicate Milk Food Ghee was in sachets, without any card board packing, said he. As per the report received from the Bathinda team, prima facie the product seized is vanaspati which is being sold under the garb of premium quality Desi Ghee.The samples of the products have been seized and sent for further examination to Khara Lab, informed Pannu.In a similar case scenario, the Food Safety Team Ludhiana inspected premises of a wholesaler trading in milk and milk products in Purana bazar Ludhiana. He was found selling non-branded spurious desi ghee. The team found two sealed, unlabelled tins of desi ghee which were seized after taking samples. Dau brand skimmed milk powder was also found in the premises and the sample was seized and sent for examination.Inspection of premises of yet another Food Business Operator in Ludhiana was conducted after a tip off regarding sale of adulterated ghee. The raid at this outlet near bus stand Ludhiana lead to recovery of 46 empty tins of refined and vansapati oil , an electric rod, chulha, cylinder other goods used for preparing spurious desi ghee.